Our purpose at SMTDS is to train and develop a safer and more professional truck driver with the knowledge and confidence needed to be the type of driver for today's trucking industry. Our goal is to see our students graduate with the abilities to handle a tractor trailer safely, skillfully, with confidence and the right attitude, and to be a productive driver for the nation's trucking industry. If you meet the following qualifications, we invite you to consider Southern Missouri Truck Driving School.
Admission Qualifications
- Have an acceptable driving record
- Have a valid driver's license.
- Must be 18 years of age.
- Must be able to obtain a D.O.T. physical and drug screen.
- Be able to obtain a CDL class A permit.
- Must be able to read, write and speak the English language according to the F.M.C.S.R.
- Bring a License Bureau-issued driving record.
Possible Reasons for Non-Admittance
- Two or more moving violations in the past two (2) years.
- Any DUIs in the past five (5) years or multiple alcohol driving offenses.
Application for Admission
Fill out an application online or you can stop by our office to receive a paper application that can be brought back in, mailed, emailed or faxed back to us.
By Fax:
By Mail:
Southern Missouri Truck Driving School
P.O. Box 545
Malden, MO 63863
By Email: info@smtds.com
We will arrange an appointment with you. At that time applicant will be interviewed, the application reviewed and enrollment agreement explained. Applicants are welcome to tour SMTDS and its facilities. Admission fee is $60 to be paid upon admission by student. Call for more information from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CST): 573-276-3860
Mandatory Items Prior to Starting Class
These items are your responsibility. You must have these items before starting class or you will be required to obtain them during the first day of class.
- A current MVR - Driver's license record which can be obtained at any license bureau or by bringing $4 to school on the first day of class.
- VALID Driver's License
- Social Security Card -Two forms of I.D. are needed. A list is provided in the Missouri Drivers Manual.
- Completed School Application - If you have not received an application, please contact the school before your start date and one will be sent to you. You must include a 10-year work history or as far back as high school, depending on your age.
- $60 Admission Fee - This is necessary unless told otherwise by SMTDS representative.
Daily evaluations will be kept on the Yard, Range and Road in the categories of each type of training. These evaluations will show whether student is doing satisfactory or unsatisfactorily and needs improvement. At the end of the course, students must show a satisfactory performance of the requirements to complete the course.
A weekly progress report will be given to each student. If a student has a failing grade or unsatisfactory progress, the student will be placed on probation. The student will then be given one (1) week to bring their grade up to a satisfactory level or be dismissed. If a person has difficulty but is willing to try hard, additional help will be provided.
Student Conduct Regulations
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a lady-like or gentlemanly manner at all times. Students will be reprimanded or possibly dismissed for the following:
- Being under the influence or in possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs
- Insubordination or unruly conduct.
- Intentional abuse of equipment.
- Repeated absenteeism.
- Poor progress due to student's failure to learn (making no attempt or having a "don't care" attitude.)
- In the event any student receives an alcohol citation or tests positive on a drug screen before or during class, student will be automatically terminated from SMTDS.
Leave of Absence
If a case should arise where a student would not be able to attend, he or she should contact a school representative and a leave of absence may be granted. Leave of absence indicates a student intends to follow up on their education. A student can be granted a leave for up to 14 days. A student will be allowed only one leave of absence.
To resume class, a student that has been granted a leave of absence or dismissed for non-attendance may restart at a future date decided by the school administrator, but no later than 45 days after the last day of attendance. Students are expected to attend 100% of classes to graduate. If any student has a complaint, that complaint should be taken to the school administrator. Appropriate action will be taken to resolve the complaint. The administrator's decision is final.
Requirements for Graduation
- Meet classroom test requirements of 70% or more.
- Meet requirements of satisfactory on range and street.
- Pass skills test final and road test final.
- Attend 100% of classes.
Students will receive a certificate of completion from SMTDS at the end of the course showing that he or she has met the requirements of SMTDS. Students will be able to view their daily evaluations, all test scores, copies of skill test evaluations and final road test. We will also help them obtain their CDL. All handouts and logbooks may be kept by the student for further reference. A student transcript will be kept on each student and retained by the school. The student will be provided copies of this at no extra charge.